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segunda-feira, 29 de outubro de 2012

Perfect Crime

Shake off the weight of a humble duplicity
To put it back on your shoulders all over again
Rewriting the lies to convince and patronize
I've tasted the waste of a will and an old name
But now this is nothing, nothing at all to you

He said there's no body to batter, drag and hide
And the carmine mat is red like it's always been
We all had seen how glories collapse in overtime
And now you redraw the sores on your thick skin

I'll see how much of heart you bear
By how much you'll look away
I'll see how much sentences you hold
By how much you'll insist to stay

If the weight of your instinct will serve you well
Make good use of the carnival that soon will alight
Unmeantly I held up the glory my enemy archieved
Envolved in perseverance but that just wasn't mine
But now this is nothing, nothing at all to you

Who sees me no longer feels me here
So below my waterproofed skin with poison and oath
Though not everything is finished in a sunrise
Not everything fades as soon as you close your eyes

I'll see how much of truth you own
By how much you'll stand still
I'll see how much accurate you are
By how much you'll refuse

E se ainda quer dizer amor, o abrigo e a memória
que você me deu ainda permanecerão imaculadas
em terra e apenas irão se decompor quando se
cobrirem de flores

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