Templates da Lua


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domingo, 12 de agosto de 2012


How you doin', little daughter
Why you hold these ashes in your hands?
Don't you know I still try hard
To leave mine ones on you while I can?

How you doin', long-time prey
Your insignificance shouldn't be a surprise
I came to see what you have to say
I love to see your ruin with these same eyes

I came to remind you the mess I am
I needed to remember you of your unfair slight
I love you, but I must see you bow down to me
I'm the one who can plug in this knife

How you doin', little deceived know-it-all
Why can't you scream your pride no more?
You probably know why you're not there
Why you're neglected, unloved, ignored

You'll pay me back with aching joy

I came to remind you the hell I was
I'm always longing for your innocent oversight
I love you, but I must see you coming back
I'm the one who can plug in this knife

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