Templates da Lua


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sábado, 7 de julho de 2012


I think I'll let my chest burst open
'Cause I'm a broken thing made by little parts of wait
I'm every knee pressed against the ground
I'm what has gone and wish it'd never go around

Deep breaths holds every memory inside my head
But surely I have always to look back

I feel amazed and suffocated
I feel honored and so small
I feel enough brave and horrified
I feel muffled and free
I love London
because London doesn't love me

I think I'll let myself be swallowed
This should be shallow and left alone for good
Cathedrals are my hopes in bricks shape
'Cause I'm still made by little parts of wait

Deep whispers keeps every pointer from sliding on
Like if they'd echo and chill down my bones

I'm in doubt and I'm in debt
I'm ungrateful and I'm scared
An eternity later and I still care
To shut down this yearning yell
I went to London
because in London I know myself

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